The Future of MOFs, COFs and Molecular Weaving
时 间:2019年11月14日(周四)10:00-12:00
地 点:中关村校区研究生教学楼101报告厅
Omar M. Yaghi 1990年博士毕业于伊利诺伊大学厄巴分校,同年赴哈佛大学从事博士后研究,1992年至1997年在亚利桑那州立大学任助理教授,1998年至2005年在密歇根大学任教,2006年至2011年任加州大学洛杉矶分校教授,2012年起在加州大学伯克利分校化学系James and Neeltje Tretter 讲席教授、伯克利全球科学研究所创始主任、Kavli能源纳米科学研究所以及巴斯夫加州研究联盟联合主任。
他是世界化学、材料领域的领军人物,是金属有机骨架材料、共价有机骨架材料、沸石咪唑酸酯骨架材料等领域的开拓者和奠基人,目前共发表论文280余篇,其中29篇发表于《Nature》《Science》期刊中,论文被引用次数超过140000,平均每篇已发表文章被引用超过500次,H-index高达144。近年来,Yaghi教授获得了费萨尔国王科技奖(2015年)、英国皇家化学会斯皮尔斯纪念奖(2017年)、阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦世界科学奖(2017年)、沃尔夫化学奖(2018年)以及瑞典皇家科学院Gregori Aminoff奖(2019年)等重要奖项。
Omar Yaghi received Ph.D. degree in chemistry from University of Illinois-Urbana (1990). He was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University (1990-92). He has held professorial positions in chemistry at Arizona State University (1992-97), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (1998-2005), and UCLA (2006-11). Since 2012, he has been the James and Neeltje Tretter Chair Professor of Chemistry at UC Berkeley.
He pioneered a new field of chemistry (Reticular Chemistry), which is concerned with the science of linking organic and inorganic molecules by strong bonds to make crystalline frameworks, termed metal-organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks. These chemical structures exhibit exceptional properties including carbon capture and conversion to fuels as well as water harvesting from desert air. He has published over 280 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals that average 500 citations per paper.He has received awards from fifteen countries for his development of reticular chemistry and its applications. Among these are: Materials Research Society Medal (2007), American Chemical Society Award in Chemistry of Materials (2009), King Faisal International Prize in Science (2015), Albert Einstein World Award of Science (2017), BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences (2018), Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2018), Eni Award for Excellence in Energy (2018), National Academy of Sciences (2019), and Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Aminoff Prize (2019).
The advent of MOF and COF , made by linking organic molecules or poly-nuclear clusters with organic linkers, using strong bonds, has extended the chemistry of precisely controlling bonds and structures to 2D and 3D. The new chemistry, termed reticular chemistry, has opened the way to carrying out reactions on frameworks while maintaining their porosity and crystallinity. This presentation will discuss the future of reticular chemistry and how MOF and COF designs may very well address the global air and warter challenges facing our planet.